用 Piwigo 管理您的图像收藏

Piwigo 是网络端的开源相册程序。 专为组织、团队与个人设计。

获得 Piwigo

download orcloud hosting

版本 14.4.0 2周前

Piwigo 14.4.0 2周前

Latest activity 3天 20小时前

Piwigo 受到了数万组织和数百万个人的喜爱

为什么选择 Piwigo ?


当需要分类上万乃至数十万的照片时,Piwigo 的表现出类拔萃。


始于2002,Piwigo 对用户的支持已超过了22年。我们永远在进步!




用 Piwigo 创造的美妙相册

Musée Virtuel de la Méditerranée
Office du Tourisme du Bassin d'Arcachon
Ville d’Arles

他们都钟爱 Piwigo


I discovered Piwigo quite a few years ago for personal local use. I then installed it at a hosting company where I made the photos I took at local events available to my commune. The French Swimming Federation has a huge collection of photos and videos. In discussion with our photographer, who couldn't find a satisfactory solution and thought it was a shame that this memory wasn't being used for our publications, I suggested that he give Piwigo a try. After a few adjustments and plug-in installations, it turned out to be a stable, customizable and crash-proof solution. Our employees now have a photo library worthy of the name. I'd like to thank the Piwigo team for the quality of their work.

Jacques Amaury, Fédération Française de Natation

Non Profits France

I like to publish my photos and I started 2013 using koken. koken is no longer maintained, I made my change to Piwigo in 2020 as it offers a lot of possibilities and a good support based on the community behind. Piwigo's history was enough reason to expect a system with ongoing maintenance and development different to koken. A system which is open and free is in my view a choice which can last for a long time.

Ulf Tietjen

Photographers & individuals Germany

I have been using Piwigo for my wife's website for many years. It's been quite reliable for me, easy to use for her, and receives regular updates which are easy to apply. I love that it supports multiple languages, mass uploads via command line and uploads via web.

Rob Nugen

Photographers & individuals Japan

Piwigo is a full-featured, ergonomic and intuitive tool managed by an attentive and responsive team. We were pleased with its 100% customizable interface. Piwigo is a good internal communication tool, allowing us to share the life of our projects in images, and facilitates collaboration with our service providers: communication agency, photographer.

Cindy, Groupe ECT

Companies France

开始使用 Piwigo

准备好开始使用 Piwigo 管理您的图片了吗?加入我们的社区吧!

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