用 Piwigo 管理您的图像收藏

Piwigo 是网络端的开源相册程序。 专为组织、团队与个人设计。

获得 Piwigo

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版本 14.4.0 3周前

Piwigo 14.4.0 3周前

Latest activity 3小时前

Piwigo 受到了数万组织和数百万个人的喜爱

为什么选择 Piwigo ?


当需要分类上万乃至数十万的照片时,Piwigo 的表现出类拔萃。


始于2002,Piwigo 对用户的支持已超过了22年。我们永远在进步!




用 Piwigo 创造的美妙相册

Océanopolis Brest
Groupe des Ecoles Nationales d'Economique et Statistique
Winchester City Council
Office de Tourisme Digne Les Bains

他们都钟爱 Piwigo


I needed a platform to show pictures of my knives that doesn't need a lot of maintenance and its configurable. Piwigo was the best solution I found. I was able to customize it so its easy to navigate on the desktop and mobile. The 3rd party plugin repository enables a lot of nice things to be done so the site looks even better.

Pablo E. Untroib, PEU Knives

Companies Argentina

Over the past years I have switched between Zenphoto, Wordpress and Piwigo. After using these other systems for a while, I always returned to Piwigo. Here is why: when it comes to speed - especially with a large amount of images - Piwigo feels like the fastest system. Piwigo has an active development and a very active and friendly community. Updating to the most recent version is very easy through the backend, you save a lot of maintaining time compared to other systems. Piwigo is highly configurable with the local files editor plugin. It is very feature rich and for a gallery systems it has all the features you need - in my opinion more than other commercial addons (gallery systems for wordpress for example). If you want to run a rock stable gallery system I would highly recommend Piwigo.

Ralf Kerkhoff

Photographers & individuals Germany

I chose Piwigo to manage our photo library and I'm completely satisfied. Piwigo is cheaper, simpler and more powerful than our old software. A library of plugins allows real customization of the solution. I'm a particular fan of the ergonomics, and I recommend Piwigo without hesitation!

Jean-François Lacou, Département de l’Indre

Public sector France

With Piwigo's help we have put over 3,800 photos on our website to display the village and its people, both past and present and so it has become a history of our past, a record of our achievements. Piwigo enables us to link items together, in a time frame, and provide details through photo enlargements and text and be a depository for photos that can be used by all. Our school's children learn the history of the village and by the use of the quizzes learn about how to research subjects.

Robert Macfarlane, Swanland Heritage Centre

Non Profits United Kingdom

开始使用 Piwigo

准备好开始使用 Piwigo 管理您的图片了吗?加入我们的社区吧!

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