用 Piwigo 管理您的图像收藏

Piwigo 是网络端的开源相册程序。 专为组织、团队与个人设计。

获得 Piwigo


版本 14.5.0 1周前

Piwigo 14.5.0 1周前

最新动态 21小时前

Piwigo 受到了数万组织和数百万个人的喜爱

为什么选择 Piwigo ?


当需要分类上万乃至数十万的照片时,Piwigo 的表现出类拔萃。


始于2002,Piwigo 对用户的支持已超过了22年。我们永远在进步!




用 Piwigo 创造的美妙相册

Ville d’Arles
Robert Miller
Province de Luxembourg
Groupe des Ecoles Nationales d'Economique et Statistique

他们都钟爱 Piwigo


I've been using Piwigo since 2011 for my website: easy to set up and even customize yourself. My pages have been viewed over 265,000 times and over 190,000 images have been viewed.

Kurt Schneider

Photographers & individuals Switzerland

I discovered Piwigo 3 years ago and, since the beginning, it was a pleasant surprise. I am using it for my private photos database on a Synology NAS, around 340 GB and 70.000 pics. Piwigo it works like a charm and it is very customizable. Due to NAS hardware limitations, I prefer to generate the thumbnails outside of Piwigo. Piwigo doesn't have a rival! Thank you, Piwigo Team!

Ştefan-Liviu Ene

Photographers & individuals Romania

Piwigo is a very high performance, very versatile gallery program. It offers a good selection of attractive themes. It also offers good technical support from it's staff and from fellow users.

Robert Deming, Filmpack Camera Club

Non Profits United States

I have been a long-time user. First installed Piwigo in 2013 and have been using it continuously since then. Flexible and reliable - never had any issues. No problems with software upgrades and even moving to a new server was easy. The IOS apps are a handy way to view photos.

Damian Kelly

Photographers & individuals Australia

开始使用 Piwigo

准备好开始使用 Piwigo 管理您的图片了吗?加入我们的社区吧!

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