用 Piwigo 管理您的图像收藏

Piwigo 是网络端的开源相册程序。 专为组织、团队与个人设计。

获得 Piwigo

download orcloud hosting

版本 14.4.0 3周前

Piwigo 14.4.0 3周前

Latest activity 7小时前

Piwigo 受到了数万组织和数百万个人的喜爱

为什么选择 Piwigo ?


当需要分类上万乃至数十万的照片时,Piwigo 的表现出类拔萃。


始于2002,Piwigo 对用户的支持已超过了22年。我们永远在进步!




用 Piwigo 创造的美妙相册

Metropolitan University BelGrade
Wessex Water
Société des 3 vallées

他们都钟爱 Piwigo


As an amateur aerial photographer, I've been using this photo management software for many years. I've had the opportunity to update several versions and change hosts, always with the security of being able to count on a reactive team in the event of a problem. The various modules proposed by contributors allow you to customize the application. I can only recommend it. Thanks to the whole team

Jean-Michel Benoit

Photographers & individuals France

I love photography, I travel and shoot various events and so I have quite a number of photos to manage. Coming from those primitive directory-based PHP scripts, I realized I need more. Albums, tags, geo-tagging, privacy management, virtual albums, user management… And all that self-hosted. And thus, I've invited Piwigo to my life. Piwigo has all the functionality I need and it's under an active development so it's continuously improving. I love Piwigo because it's fairly easy to install and then manage, easy to backup, and it's free-and-open-source software.


Photographers & individuals Czech Republic

Just want to add my "props" to the folks at Piwigo for the great product they have put out for their clients. I create a Piwigo photo album for each of the websites I create and walk each client through the "how to's" of Piwigo, which is very user friendly. I have tried other photo albums in the past and have always come back to Piwigo not just because it's free, but because it is honestly... the best!

Bill Gowacki

Photographers & individuals United States

With Piwigo, all of our Siblu brand graphic elements are accessible and available for our 19 campsites in France. This is a real time saving for all teams. Piwigo offers an easy-to-use and very useful classification tool, which enables us to quickly find photos or videos thanks to tags, albums or comments.

Émilie Sancéau, Siblu

Tourism & Culture France

开始使用 Piwigo

准备好开始使用 Piwigo 管理您的图片了吗?加入我们的社区吧!

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