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Reisishot Login Security

captcha security login

修订版 1.0.2

6 years ago
与最新版本的 Piwigo 不兼容
星期一 19 十一月 2018 6 years 2 months ago

[Deprecation warning]: I am currently not using Piwigo and therefore stopped supporting this plug-in. Please take the code and update it. Contact me, if you need initial help in taking over this plugin!

This plugin should work with many themes as the recaptcha tag is inserted using Javascript!

Please follow the instructions provided at:

In short:
- You need the LocalFiles Editor plugin (https://piwigo.org/ext/extension_view.php?eid=144)
- You must get recaptcha v2 keys for your domain
- You must define three config variables:
The first one changes the function, which verifies the users password
The second one is the 'Website Key' (or similar).
The third and last one is the 'Secret key'.
Please put the two keys inside ' as shown below:

$conf['password_verify'] = 'reisishot_password_verify';
$conf['recaptcha_public'] = 'mypublickey1415';
$conf['recaptcha_secret'] = 'myprivatekey1425';

That's it :D!

PS: URL fopen (http://php.net/manual/en/filesystem.configuration.php#ini.allow-url-fopen) must be enabled!

修订版 4

版本 1.0.2

发布于 星期二 22 一月 2019


兼容 Piwigo 2.10, 2.9

6 years reisi007

Tried to improve JS even more

版本 1.0.1

发布于 星期六 29 十二月 2018


版本 1.0

发布于 星期一 19 十一月 2018