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About: Picture2Piwigo resume outline its precursor (from Picasa2Piwigo of KenL, thanks to him), while improving it with new features. Through reading the Picasa database, it's possible to upload almost all available information. In return, the application must read each time you start Picasa database (under 15s to read anyway).

Works in 3 ways:
- Directly from Picasa (by creating a button to upload album)
- Calling Picasa albums (allows upload multiple albums in a row without open Picasa)
- In free mode (upload any folder containing pictures)

- No more 120 pictures limitation from Picasa
- Management duplicates in Piwigo (no upload if the picture already exists)
- Reading data XMP / IPTC (with ExifTool.exe command line utility)
- Management facetags Picasa (XMP or database)
- Automatic permission system based on keywords / facetag (if a keyword/facetag is present, it grants access to users/groups)
- Added pictures per chunk (avoids PHP timeout errors)
- Pause/Resume upload
- Add support of virtual/people albums

Hoping it brings you satisfaction.

Revision list

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Revision 1.1 4337 Downloads, Released on 2016-07-01
Download revision 1.1

Compatible with: 2.10, 2.9, 2.8

Available languages: 2 (see)

English [UK] Français [FR]

- Correct some bug on database reading
- Add support of virtual and people album
- Support of picasa.ini files (for virtual album)
- Add more verboses during process
- Several UI improvement
- English conversion improvement
- Drastic reduction size of installation

Huge thanks to Sridhar for his patience, ideas and testing.

Revision 1.0.10 6033 Downloads, Released on 2015-01-08
Revision 1.0.9 1930 Downloads, Released on 2014-12-10
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